Week #6 turned out to be very eventful for Elder Todd. The Pearsons and the Zwicks both kindly offered to take care packages to Bud because they were all going down for Mission President's Training Week. As you can tell by Bud's letter, he loved seeing people he loves and he felt very loved by them. If you can believe it, some of the chocolate in Bud's bag, melted in the car. So the Zwicks stopped at the store to replace it and get him some fresh unmelted candy. Now, that's going many extra miles!
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 12:05:10 -0600
Subject: Week 6
From: bryan.todd@myldsmail.net
To: ruthtodd@hotmail.com; btodd@amsource.com
Well, it makes me a little sad thinking that six weeks have already passed by. I miss you all a lot, but everything here is just so great!
As you all know, last week was new mission president's seminar. First of all, I would like to thank you for sending down the packages with the Pearsons and Zwicks. It was so nice to get that stuff and to see people from home.
On Friday night we had a special devotional by Elder Bednar. I saw Elder Pearson on the stand, and I sat about ten rows to his right. I was about 20 feet away from the Zwicks, but unfortunately I was unable to say hello to either of them after that meeting. However, on Saturday morning, we were doing our service cleaning bathrooms, and I was told to call the front desk. They told me to be there at 9:20. So at 9:15, Elder Doria and I headed down. The wonderful BYU police wouldn't let us through even though the front desk told them to. Apparently, President Packer had to leave first or something. Anyway, we got through, and stood near the desk to wait.
We were told by a different BYU cop, "You might see general authorities. DO NOT APPROACH THEM!!" Well, we saw Elder Bednar, Elder Perry, Elder Scott, Elder Holland, Elder Oaks, and Elder Nelson. It was so cool! Then I saw Elder and Sister Pearson! We talked with them for a bit, then Elder Zwick came out and we had a nice long chat. It was so great! He introduced us to Elder Kearon, who gave the talk about the scorpion in general priesthood meeting, and Elder Snow of the presidency of the 70. We also met Sister Oaks and she said to Tell Granann and Grandpabud hello from her. She was so nice and even knew how to greet us in Thai!! It was the greatest week!
So, Elder Bednar's devotional was AMAZING! He talked to us about becoming "Preach My Gospel Missionaries." Those are missionaries who "Proclaim the Savior's gospel in His way." There are five requirements:
1. Understand the meaning of: "I serve and represent Jesus Christ."
3. Treasure up the Words of Eternal life
4. Understand that the Holy Ghost is the ultimate teacher.
5. Realize that teaching is more important than telling.
He was so amazing, and I could feel the spirit that he had with him. His testimony was SO powerful. He bore his apostolic witness of the Savior, and I have never had words speak to me as they did when he spoke. he said, "You can do this! The Savior knows you can do this. As His servant I promise you will have His help. Please remember always, with His help and in His strength we can do this."
I know that this is true. I don't know how many times here at the MTC I have thought I couldn't do something. But every time, the Savior is there to help me through. I know that there are times where I have been helped along by the many prayers for me. Thank you so much for those.
Also this week, we heard from Elder Sybrowski. He said somthing that really stood out to me. At the end of the devotional when he spoke he said, "Don't hold back. Don't you dare hold back. Please, don't hold back."
These words had an impact on me. John's advice to not look back has always been in my mind. But I put the two together-- not looking back and not holding back. I know that this gospel is true. Why should I withhold that knowledge from the people of Thailand, let alone the world. It makes me want to work harder at getting the language down so that I will be able to share with those people what makes me the happiest in life.
Everything we want in life comes down to joy, and everything that brings me joy comes from the restoration of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, through His prophet Joseph Smith. Yesterday was the 167th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Prophet and his brother Hyrum. I thought about it all day. I thought of Elder Holland's words when he said something to the effect of, "Forget that their wives are about to be widows, their children fatherless, forget that their people are about to leave footprints of blood across frozen praries. If the book of Mormon wasn't true, would Joseph Smith live for it until the last second of his life?" (I totally slaughtered Elder Hollands words, but the message is still a powerful one). I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I always felt like I had a really strong testimony of that, and the gospel as a whole, but it has grown SO much since being here. I really can't believe it. The Lord loves us. That's why He has given us this message of happiness.
Well, all is well here. Our district is awesome! We all want to obey, and all work hard to do so. We have our struggles, but we work through them and grow closer. I'm really excited to get our younger district tomorrow!
I hope all is well at home! Thanks for the care packages and the letters everyone! I love you all so much. It's always fun to get letters from family and friends! Keep up the good work! Tell the G's I said Hi, and send Nans my best! Keep reading your scriptures ere day. I'm finishing the Testimony of John tomorrow. Then its on to a book that tells the ACTS of the apostles, then come a lot of letters written by Apostle Paul! Well I love you all!
Elder Todd
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